"Whether in the mountains or in
the fields, the place where
Nichiren and his followers who
practice the Lotus Sutra dwell
is Eagle Peak... Wherever we
practice the single vehicle of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, that
place is Eagle Peak, the capital
of Eternally Tranquil Light."~Nichiren Daishonin
the fields, the place where
Nichiren and his followers who
practice the Lotus Sutra dwell
is Eagle Peak... Wherever we
practice the single vehicle of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, that
place is Eagle Peak, the capital
of Eternally Tranquil Light."~Nichiren Daishonin
As President Ikeda states: "When the Daishonin speaks of the pure land of Eagle Peak, he
means the supreme state of Buddhahood that we can attain in this lifetime through our Buddhist practice." (Gosho Study from: http://www.sgi-es.org/civglobal/Gosho_ing_feb07.pdf)
means the supreme state of Buddhahood that we can attain in this lifetime through our Buddhist practice." (Gosho Study from: http://www.sgi-es.org/civglobal/Gosho_ing_feb07.pdf)
As he further explains:
"Eagle Peak is thus a symbol for the saha world, which is filled with the sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death. And the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light, which is represented by the assembly of the Lotus Sutra, appears in the very midst of Eagle Peak and not somewhere far removed from it. In other words, true Buddhism is not divorced from reality but is found within it, confronting human suffering head-on and teaching a way to overcome it. True Buddhism also transforms this world of suffering and hardship into a treasure land brimming with hope."
We picked the name Eagle Peak to remind us that because the state of buddhahood lies within our own lives, we have the power to bring forth unsurpassed happiness regardless of our circumstances in life and challenge our sufferings and struggles victoriously.